Dintorni di Modena. Camminata fra i vigneti di Castelvetro

Dintorni di Modena. Camminata fra i vigneti di Castelvetro

Credetemi, i dintorni di Modena meritano buona parte della vostra attenzione. Dopo tanto tempo, ho trovato l’occasione di recarmi sulle colline della mia amata Castelvetro, uno dei miei luoghi del cuore. E’ zona di produzione del Grasparossa, uno dei lambruschi che maggiormente ci contraddistinguono. Quindi i vigneti sono tanti e si susseguono in modo ordinato,…

Sicily best beaches. Where, between Syracuse and Passero Cape
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Sicily best beaches. Where, between Syracuse and Passero Cape

My last trip to Sicily let me to discover its most beautiful villages and towns, but also its beaches, which are particularly beautiful in the south-eastern area. They are composed by fine sand, and their colors vary from reddish to golden to white. The beaches in the south-eastern Sicily are undoubtedly among the most beautiful…

val d'orcia tuscany countries to see

Val d’Orcia, Tuscany – Countries you must see

An itinerary in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany, is just what it takes to disconnect from everyday routine and discover a land of moving beauty.  This valley is located in the south of Siena, and it’s Unesco Heritage since 2004. The sweetness of the landscapes, combined with enchanting towns, make this area unique, not in Italy only,…

bergamo alta cosa vedere
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Bergamo Alta, what to see in 1 day

Bergamo Alta can be considered a village inside a city. Situated  higher up compared to Bergamo (therefore know as Bassa/low), it offers a superb view of the surroundings and embraces in his Medieval heart, all the most important attractions of this lovely Lombard city. After having consulted friends and acquaintances about what to visit in…

isola di burano venezia
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Burano: how to get to the most colorful italian island

Burano Island is located in the Venetian Lagoon together with its sisters islands Murano and Torcello. Its colourful houses, the sheets hung out, the relaxed atmosphere and tranquillity of its narrow streets, make it very different from Venice, superb but chaotic. It wasn’t my first time in Burano. I visited it in 2009, with Matteo,…

Pianosa, come arrivare sull’isola toscana
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Pianosa, come arrivare sull’isola toscana

L’isola di Pianosa, famosa per essere stata sede di un carcere di massima sicurezza, è da alcuni anni visitabile. Grazie al suo isolamento ed alla successiva istituzione di un parco nazionale, conserva una ricchissima flora ed un’altrettanto ricca fauna sia marina che terrestre. Il suo nome indica come il suo territorio sia quasi interamente pianeggiante,…